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Saturday 21 May 2016

Yogurt face mask for rejuvenated skin

Facial mask can do wonders for skin.
Radiant fresh clean and smooth is just a few words to explain what it can do.
Just three ingredients needed and chances are it may be in your kitchen already. 
Here is a facial mask you can use in the comfort of your home.

Finely ground oatmeal. 1 tablespoon
Organic yogurt, 1 tablespoon
Honey, few drops

In a small bowl, mix the yoghurt and the oatmeal together.
Warm a spoon under warm water, add a few drops of honey from the warm spoon to the oatmeal mix.
Stir the mixture.
Apply on your face.
Leave it for 10 minutes to do its magic.
Rinse of with warm water. 
Never use hot water on your face!
Gently dry with towel.
Apply favourite moisturiser.

The result is your skin is rejuvenated and clean.
Leaving a more radiant appearance.

I hope this article helped  
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    1. Hi. Thanks for the appreciation. I am so happy that the advice helps. That was the purpose of this site. Simple effective natural ways to improve what ever problem bothers us. Physically or emotionally. Health or beauty issues. Knowledge is power. If we know what we can do to change something or improve something that bothers us. Most will make those changes or apply the advice. Thanks also for sharing it.
