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Home remedy for removing varicose veins permanently

Most think that only surgery can help with the treatment of varicose veins. How many would agree that apple cider vinegar can not only help deal with it? But can also treat varicose veins?

Consider fat loss instead of weight loss and see effective results

Consider fat loss instead of weight loss and see effective results

How to learn being more grateful and why you should do it.

It is said that being grateful has tremendous health benefits. Are you grateful? Do you know why it is good to be grateful? It is a sure fact that in life we both find a lack and an abundance.

Home remedy that promotes hair growth

If you are one of the people that worry about the health of your hair. This article is just for you. As I am sharing a natural safe home remedy that has so many nutrients for your hair. All you need is two ingredients. You probably have it already in your kitchen.

Heart health changes that should be implemented daily

Your heart. I am not thinking of your feelings or your love for someone. But about heart health. It does affect everyone especially if we don't choose a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday 29 December 2016

How to learn being more grateful and why you should do it.

As you may have realized I am writing positive posts for the new year. Everyone has new year resolutions. Things they want to improve or do better. So here is another one. It is said that being grateful has tremendous health benefits. Are you grateful? Do you know why it is good to be grateful? It is a sure fact that in life we both find a lack and an abundance. 

We tend to see what we don't have. Yet we forget what we have in life. Yes we tend to see what we are missing and forget what we already have. On this I recall a quote I once saw. "I cried because I had no shoes till I saw someone who had no legs." I think this quote tells alot. 

The physical benefits of being grateful

  • Improved immune system
  • Blood pressure is lowered
  • Feeling more refreshed when waking up 
  • Sleep better 
  • Taking better care of yourself and your health

The psychological benefits of being grateful

  • You will feel more positive
  • Alive awake and alert
  • You will experience more please, joy, happiness and be more optimistic

The social benefits of being grateful

  • You will find you are more outgoing
  • You will find you more forgiving
  • Won't feel as lonely or depressed

Consider keeping a gratitude journal

Every day remember something that you are grateful for during the day. It helps you to realize what you can be grateful for. The idea is that instead of doing to become grateful. Consider what you went through. Reflect on the challenges. This way you will be able to embrace who you are.
to being.

Consider these questions

  • What did I do for....
  • What did I get from...
  • Did I cause any difficulty or troubles....

Doing this will help you to see people differently and from a different perspective. You will also realize you dont take them for granted. A lot of us do that and don't even realize it.

Use your senses. Smell look and touch. Taste and see. Feel. Doing this will help you experience gratitude. 
Consider promising to yourself to be more grateful. If you do that it is more likely that you will do it.
 Consider what you say. People who are grateful don't talk the same way as the ungrateful person. You become what you think. Yes if you think of good and positive things. You become more grateful.
 Smile at others. Say thanks. This also helps you to trigger gratitude in your life.

These are just a few ways we can train our brain to be more grateful. It will improve our happiness and levels of joy. While at the same time we will become more aware of every precious moment.

I hope this article helped you. I know I learned a few things that I have to consider in my life. Please share so others can benefit from it too. If you have any questions comments or suggestions. Please feel free to comment below or contact us.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

The secret to happiness

You ever looked at a family? Or a couple. Or just people in general and think they look so happy. What is their secret? I know if we are not happy we tend to wonder what is the secret to happiness. We all experience times that we are unhappy. But today I want to give some advice on realizing the secret to happiness. It isnt as complicated as it looks.

1. Don't look for a specific outcome to an event.

It is life after all. Even with the best preparation and planning. There is still no guarantee that it will turn out as you hope. If we expect a specific outcome we lose out on our happiness.  Then we become over obsessed or we feel miserable.

2. Discover your view of success and happiness according to you.

No two people are alike. The same can be said about our outlook on life. Or what we define as success. If we follow other people's opinion of happiness or success. If we are everything for others. We tend to lose ourselves in the process. We forget we are different and unique. Losing out on our own special gifts. Yes we all have unique traits that should be seen by the world. It can be considered out ultimate gift to the world.

3. Commit completely to what makes you happy.

I will start with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” So we have to be fully committed to what makes us happy instead of settling for less. We tend to do that. We tell ourselves just this once. End result is once became many times and unless you are real and honest towards yourself you will always struggle to be happy. Once you are fully committed to what makes you happy. You will find that you don't need the will power to continue. Learn to live proactively instead of reactively.

4. Be grateful for what you have right now.

In life there is many things we have. There is also many things we don't have. Once we realize we dont need to be focused on what is missing. But remember the wonderful things we do have in life. Our views change. Right now as read this. You can think of your loved ones. Your friends and family who enrich your life. Your work or even admire nature. Even your health is a blessing.

5. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today

As mentioned in the previous post. Live in the moment. Life changes. What is today may not be tomorrow. So appreciate the moment while it is with you. Realize what is important for your happiness and live for that. Happiness is about accepting and embracing the now. You ever saw quotes like You will me when I am gone? Yes that is life. So accept the moment and see the beauty of it.

6. Instead of going for what is good go for what is best.

Here I want to recall a conversation my mother and an uncle had. My mother said :Half a glass is better than an empty one" (Speaking about an opportunity). Now comes the reply from my uncle. "Why accept the half glass? Why not consider the full glass instead?" That is the the beauty of realizing the difference between good and what is best. Do you ever find yourself in this situation? My mother often speaks about it. So it is something that I too remember. There may not be many things you will consider as best. But when you realize what you want and where you want to go in life. You will see the difference between good and best opportunities.

7. Do you play it safe?

I think many people do this. People that are happy tend to move away from their comfort zone.  Life is about growing. We never stop learning. If you do step away from your comfort zone you will discover you are more aware of the moment. Life isn't about playing safe. It is about experiencing every moment. Realizing the beauty that life has. Yes there is lots of sadness. But how will you discover the delight of happiness if you don't experience sadness? Only then will you realize the value of being happy.

These are a few insightful ways we can change our thinking and realize the beauty of happiness. Not every moment will be happy. But every moment of happiness will matter. It is always good to remember that. 

I hope this article helps you discover happiness. If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment below or contact us. Please share so others can discover happiness too. 

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Learning to live life with contentment

We approach a new year. We make promises and commitments to ourselves. But how many of us consider learning to be more content? Yet we all desire it in our daily lives. Dont we? At the end of the day what we did matters. Not to others but to each one of us. So today I want to discuss how we can learn to be more content in our lives. It will take honest in depth soul searching from your side.

1 Consider what is important.

Remeber what is important to you. What is it that you want to do? How do you want to spend your time. What exactly is it that you want to accomplish?

2. Consider the commitments you make.

Do you find that your life is just to busy? That you try doing everything while ending up exhausted in the process? Then start by accepting that you can not do everything. Leave the less important commitments and focus on the more important commitments. 

3. Learn to do less every day
Learn to leave time after each appointment.  Dont try make appointments back to back. If you do that you end up more stressed and you will feel rushed. You will end up doing less than you planned and you wont feel good at the end of the day. By leaving time between each appointment you will be able to be more focused and relaxed.

4. Consider leaving many things from your to do list.

Learn to simplify your to do list just down to the essentials. By doing this you will be able to slow down feeling more relaxed.  Slow down and enjoy each task you take on. It is good to focus on the task no matter what it is. Also it is good to pay attention to each task you want to take on.  

5. Live in the moment

It may seem easy to do but you may find it is challenging. So remind yourself to live in the moment. Unless of course ot means pain. That isn't an option and nothing to be enjoyed. 

6. Focus on each task

What ever it is you are doing . Make sure it is one thing at a time.  If driving enjoy the journey. Take the time to enjoy the journey. Don't be rushed to reach your destination.

7. Remove stress from your life
Find out what cause tension and stress in your life and try to eliminate them. Just don't do anything. Yes. Make time for you. It is your time to recover from your day and what ever caused stress. This is the time you use to find your balance again.

8. Learn to focus on the present moment. 
Do things that you find pleasurable. Don't delay on things that make you feel it is all worth it. Make the time now and stop thinking maybe later. Time waits for no one.

These are suggestions that can make us feel content. At the end of the day when you are relaxing and getting ready to sleep. What you feel and think matters. Living life rushing means you lose out on the beauty of the moment. The thing to remember you don't get the moment back again. 

I hope this article helps everyone including me. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment below or contact us. Please share so others can also know how to learn being content and appreciate the beauty of life.

Consider fat loss instead of weight loss and see effective results

If you are one of the millions that makes a commitment to lose weight as a new year's resolution. You probably did lots of research. What adds to weight gain and what helps you lose weight. Some way are debatable and some are just plain a risk for your health. As many may have realized. So today I am telling you the way to lose weight and gain muscle. So as the image says we will discuss fat loss as an effective way to be healthy.

1. Leave your scale 

First thing to know is that your scale doesn't recognise the difference between fat and muscle. If you start exercising you will find you gain weight. Yes it may be distressing to many. But at the same time you will find you lose inches. Now that is the idea of weight loss isnt it?

2. Consider the amount of calories you take in

Our bodies are created wonderful. But if you don't know what you doing you can actually kick in starvation mode if you cut calories completely. It is a survival mechanism that we are created with. So losing inches will become more difficult. The secret is to consider smaller amounts of calories. Meaning smaller portions and you will find your body will burn those unwanted fats at a increased rate.

3. Smaller portions matter

As mentioned before considering smaller portions (6) instead of 2 or 3 big meals is another way to lose weight. This way your body will be able to give the much needed nutrients where it is needed while at the same time you will lose those inches. 

4. Eat more healthy fats

I can hear some thinking but the idea is to lose fat why should we now eat fats. Doesnt that mean we will gain more weight? No when you consider good fats actually helps you to lose weight. No it doesnt mean I just told you to go out and have junk foods. As said consider healthy fats. Such as olive oil, egg yolks and especially fats that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Better explained as polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats.

5. Protein intake matters

If you increase your protein intake you will help your body to increase its metabolic rate. So you maintain muscle while losing fat. Actually by increasing your protein intake you will discover your body will burn more calories. 

6. Remember to cut down on carbohydrates

The one thing everyone will agree on is that limiting carbohydrates matter when you want to lose weight and gain muscle. The best type of carbohydrates should be from vegetables and oatmeal. While it is vital to limit sugar and starches. It is advised that you should eat carbohydrates in the morning and close to the time you will be exercising.

7. High intensity exercise

 You had to know this one would be added as a successful way to lose fat and gain muscle. It is very important to remember warm up exercises. If you know that you aren't really the exercising type and you not in the best shape for high intensity exercise then consider a low intensity exercise or cardio exercises. You can consult your doctor or physician before doing this.

8. Weight training
If you consider resistance training you will discover it helps lose body fat in a variety of ways. It is also a safe way to ensure that you lose fats instead of muscle. If it happened it would mean your metabolic rate would slow down and your efforts will become much more difficult to gain muscle while losing fat.

These are just a few ways that will help you lose fat while at the same time gain muscle. It will take commitment and effort from you. But only you will feel good with the results when you see the difference. So as the new year is closing in on us. Why not make a healthy body and life your goal? Your body will be thanking you for it. Remember the secret to weight loss actually means losing body fat.

If you have any thoughts suggestions or comments. Feel free to comment below or contact us.
Please share so others can benefit from this advice too

Saturday 17 December 2016

Bath melts made with coconut oil DIY

We know how good coconut oil can be for the skin. But when we take a bath. Why not give your skin the tremendous benefits of coconut oil.  Best time for your skin to absorb the nutrients coconut oil has. Your skin will be soft smooth. But when adding your favorite essential oil it just becomes more beneficial. How about a DIY recipe that is so easy to make. The recipe is so easy. Please take note of the word of caution given at the end though at the end of this post. Now for the recipe.

250 ml coconut oil.
15 drops of your favorite essential oil. (Preferably lavender essential oil)
The molds you want to use that it will set in

Start by heating the coconut oil on low heat. 
Just for a minute or two that it melts completely. 
Now remove it from the heat and add your preferred essential oil. 
Mix everything together and pour into the molds or even in your ice cube tray if you don't have a mold. 
Leave it to dry completely and remove them. 
Store in a dry container.

Word of caution
As it is oil your bath can be slippery so please take good precautions when considering this recipe.  This oil melts when you use it in the bath. If it is warm to hot weather where you are. Best to leave it in the fridge.

I just love this DIY (Do It Yourself) recipe that has so many benefits for the skin. I hope you like it too.
Please share so others can benefit from it too. If you have any thoughts comments or suggestions. Feel free to comment below or contact us

Thursday 15 December 2016

Home made foot lotion that is refreshing and will revitalize feet.

We know how important out feet are. But at the same time few really think about it. Till they experience tired feet. That can be somewhat troubling. But today I am sharing a home made lotion that works in energizing your feet. The result is refreshed and invigorated feet. All of the products is safe and can be used at home. 

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon almond oil
1 teaspoon wheat germ oil
12 drops eucalyptus essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a bottle. 
Shake well to make sure everything is blended perfectly. 
Rub on your feet and heels. 
You will find that your feet will be refreshed in no time at all. 
At the same time it is good for your feet and heels. 
Store the mixture in a cool dry place.

Read other wonderful treatments for feet here.
Try it and see for yourself. You will be amazed and best of all. You can make it again when needed.You won't think about store bought products again. You will just smile and know you can do even better.

If you have any thoughts comments or suggestions. Feel free to comment below or contact us.
Please share so this great home made foot lotion can be used to benefit others too.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Home made oil for stretch mark removal

If you are one of the millions that has stretch marks but don't know what to do. Then today I may have the solution you are looking for.  Stretch marks can appear on thighs tummy breasts arms. It is unsightly and those suffering from it feel uncomfortable. So I am sharing this amazing home remedy that will remove it over time. This oil that you can make at home may just be the solution you are looking for.It is safe and natural. Give it a try and see for yourself.

 4 drops rosemary essential oil
1 drop camellia oil (also known as tea seed oil)
Half teaspoon sesame oil
Half teaspoon wheat germ oil
Half teaspoon vitamin E oil 

 Mix everything together 
Apply on the area where the stretch marks is located.  
Keep doing this on a daily basis to see the effectiveness of the home made oil. 

For other effective ways to remove stretch marks you can open it here.
Use this effective home remedy and see those stretch marks disappear. Please don't expect immediate results. The longer you had the stretch marks the more difficult it will be to be removed. But these oils combined works effectively in healing the skin area where the stretch marks are located. It will take the commitment from you to do this on a very regular basis.

I hope this effective home remedy helps you to get rid of unsightly stretch marks.
Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or comments.
Or contact us.
Please share so others can know about this effective home remedy for stretch marks too

Anti ageing face mask that works instantly

How many of us use lotions and potions to get rid of wrinkles. Buying the expensive stuff or going to drastic measures to get rid of wrinkles. Yes many go for cosmetic surgery just trying to look more youthful. Taking care of your skin is very essential in the fight against ageing skin. So allow me to share this face mask today with everyone. Your face will look younger instantly.

1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 banana medium size peeled.
1 vitamin E capsule

Method and application
Mash the cream and the banana together. 
Add the capsule contents to the mixture and stir.
Always apply to freshly cleansed face!
Apply to neck and face.
Leave for 10 to 15 minutes.
Now wipe off with a damp cloth.
Moisturize as usual with preferred moisturizer

Try this and see for yourself. You will wonder why you only started now. But always remember that its also good to protect your skin from the harmful UV-rays so consider a sunblock that works. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids. Apply your moisturizer regularly. Never go to bed with make up on.

For other ways to pamper your skin and fight ageing skin. Feel free to check it out here
If you have any thoughts comments or suggestions please feel free to comment below or contact us.
Please share so others can know about this wonderful face mask that is anti ageing.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Nourish and strengthen your hair with these home remedies

When my hair was very very long I recall a friend of mine gave me a great hair treatment for my hair. She was a hairdresser and really loved hair. Today I want to share that hair treatment with everyone. It uses only two ingredients. If you hear the ingredients you will agree that both does wonders for hair. So with that in mind I am sharing this today with everyone

Nourishing treatment for hair
Olive oil and coconut oil
Mix in equal quantities.
Apply to dry hair and leave on for a few hours.
Now wash your hair as you normally would do.

Bergamot oil
To strengthen hair adding Bergamot oil is needed and it actually works.
All you need to do is add a bottle of Bergamot essential oil (20 ml) to your shampoo and wash your hair as you would normally.
Other benefits of using Bergamot oil for hair is it tames frizzy or stray hairs on the scalp. Giving a more lustrous look on hair. Try it and see for yourself. 

If you have any suggestions questions or want to share something.
Please contact us or comment below
Please share so others can know about this great home remedy for hair

Monday 12 December 2016

Home remedy for dry hair that works

Having dry dull lack luster hair isn't something that anyone wants. For most it is something they want to avoid at all costs. It just isn't appealing at all. So today I am sharing a treatment that is exclusive for dry hair. It is safe and can be made at home. Consider it as a pamper session for your hair. You will be rewarded for taking the time to do this by having wonderful shiny hair.

2 cups water
1 vitamin A capsule
1 vitamin E capsule
2 tablespoons refined linseed oil

Start by gently boiling the water on the stove. 
Next add the linseed oil. 
Break the vitamin capsules.
Now add the capsules to the water mixture. 
Allow the mixture to cool down. 
Only till it is warm but not hot. 
You should be able to work with it without getting any burns.
Now massage the mixture into your scalp.
Leave it for a few minutes.
Rinse it off properly and now shampoo your hair as you would normally

This is an effective home remedy that will work. It is safe as you know every ingredient used. But you can make it any time you need it. 

I hope this article helps you if you suffer from dry hair.
If you have any comments thoughts or suggestions.
Feel free to comment below or contact us.
Please share so this great home remedy can be shared and benefit others too

Friday 9 December 2016

Step by step instructions to create your own dotted flower nail art design

I haven't done any nail art tutorials in a while. So I do think it is about time. Ladies, this one is for you. We always think doing nail art designs must be difficult. But it is so wrong. Starting of with a easy nail art idea is always good. So this post is for the ladies who isnt afraid to try something new. 
It is a sure fact that hands always gets noticed. So why not try something different and see if it is what you can do.

The possibilities are endless when experimienting with nail art.So with that in mind I am sharing another great idea. If you ever thought making flowers on nails is difficult. With this tutorial you will be amazed at the result. 

Items needed.

Dotting tool. 
Or if you don't have that you can use a toothpick. 
Striping brush.
You will also need 3 colours of your preferred nail polish. 
Here hot pink, white and silver nail polish was used.


To create the flower start of making 5 dots in circular motion. Create a second set of dots. Now pull the polish gently to the centre to change the dots to petals.  
Two thin stripes were created with the base nail colour.
Then small dots were added around the flowers and along the stripes in the same colour as the flowers. 
Last a stripe was added  below top stripe and a dot was added in middle of each flower using third colour. Please refer to the picture as it shows the steps one by one. It makes it easier.

Step by step instructions.

  • 1.Start by applying your complete nail the color you prefer. Here hot pink was used.
  • 2. Now take the second nail polish and create dots with the second nail polish colour. Remember this will be the flowers.) 
  • Must be in a circular motion.
  • 3. Now you create a second set of set of dots in a circular motion. 
  • 4. Leave it for 45 seconds. Use the toothpick and from the centre of each dot pull to the centre of the circle. By doing this you create the flower.
  • 5. Using a striper brush you can now take the first color polish (hot pink) and create two small thin lines. 
  • 6 Now with the toothpick you create small dots along the side of the thin lines (white was used here again). But remember must be same colour as the flowers. 
  • 7. Create small dots on both sides of the flowers. (Again white was used here) As seen on the image.
  • 8. Here silver nail polish was used to create the last stripe. Create the stripe underneath the top thin stripe you made. As well as the middle of the dotted circles. So this will be the third colour.

I have to admit I absolutely love this design. You dont have to use the colors used here. But it gives a great idea how it would look using these colors. I hope you find this article helpful and that you are inspired to create your own design on your nails. Or for someone else.

If you have any thoughts comments or even suggestions. Please feel free to contact us. Or comment below. Please share so others can know how easy it is to create this stunning nail art design

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Fast and effective ways to get rid of warts with home remedies.

On previous posts I have discussed natural home remedies to get rid of warts. To read more about that. You can go read about it here. But right now I want to discuss other alternatives as well as a trusted and effective ways to get rid of it. It can appear on any body part. Face, body hands arms fingers feet and more.  Both men and women gets warts. Ages races there is no difference. So millions around the world suffers from warts. Depending on where it is, it can affect confidence

There is procedures you can go for. But I want to share home remedies. Trusted safe and effective too. But within all the home remedies is one I know and is fast and effective. So with that in mind let us start with the one I know works. What am I talking off? 

Fig tree latex. 
If you take the sap from the fruit, leaf or any part. Apply that white sap on the wart. Do it regularly and you will see within one week that wart will have fallen off. Without you even noticing it. This home remedy works fast. I can say it may fall off within one week. But apply the sap regularly. At least every day till it falls off. Tried tested and approved.

Dandelion sap
To get rid of warts with the sap of dandelion stems is another effective way. It may take weeks to fall of but it is also another natural way to get rid of warts. Apply at least two times a day to see effective results.

Also an effective way to get rid of warts. Use the same method as with dandelion sap.

Water and baking soda
Most households have baking soda in the kitchen. So this one is cheap and safe. All you have to do is to mix equal amounts of water and baking soda. Apply on the wart at least three times a day. This too is an effective way to get rid of warts. In the comfort of your home as well as a cost effective way.

Herbal teas
Now I want to share a home remedy that helps you avoid getting warts. If you drink herbal teas made with red clover, echinacea, lemon grass, burdock root you boost your body's immunity and helps you to avoid getting warts.

All these are home remedies that helps you get rid of warts. So if you are one of the millions affected with warts. You now have ways to get rid of it. Safely and cost effective ways too.

If you have any thoughts comments or suggestions. Or even a home remedy you know that works. Feel free to comment below or contact us.
Please share so others can know about this too.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

How to know if someone on line is interested

Here I want to share the on line answer to know if someone is interested in you.  As life becomes more technology based. We spend hours on the Internet using our favorite chatting platforms. So I want to show how to know if someone on line in interested in you.. Especially with social sites like Twitter Facebook and Google+ . Please know I am also sharing warnings and advice. As social sites are filled with those bad types of people too

If the person is on a website that doesn't really allow them to tell much about themselves. That is a clear way to know he or she isn't interested in you. But websites like Facebook Twitter and others a person can talk more about himself or herself. The person will be sending you pictures of himself/herself. But will make sure it is good looking pictures. Please note if the person sends many pictures that means the person is just trying to impress you. Does he or she ask you questions? How many siblings do you have? What is your IQ? That is just trying to get to know you. Not being nosy. (Iam still working on believing it though) But always remember if the person gets too personal you don't have to answer or respond. Some times the intention is to find out how perfect you are. 

Now comes the other part. Does the person ask you for inappropriate pictures? Yes then there is no interest in you. Sorry but it is true. The person is just looking for someone that will do what they asks. No real interest in you. There is a difference between talking about yourself and bragging. Does the person brag? Then again the person is just trying to impress you again. If they wants to meet you somewhere. Make sure it doesn't mean the bedroom. The person is the same as the loser mentioned above. Be smart and wise. 

Then some warnings. Never send a picture of yourself unless the person does that first. Never meet someone without letting a loved one know where you will be and more details. If you are threatened. Then it is important to remove ban or block. Or best to report the person to the social website. 

I hope this article cleared up whether someone is really interested or not. Someone on line is interested in you. Also to know when to know a person isn't interested. Feel free to comment or suggest future articles. Or even contact us to ask a question

Thursday 1 December 2016

Advice on how to get the perfect six pack abs

For many having that perfect six packs is so important. It tells that the person is fit and has relatively small amounts of fat. Not even mentioning how good it looks. But many don't know how to get that perfect six pack. There is a few important factors to consider when you want that six pack abs.

  • 1 The exercise routine
  • 2 Consider your diet
  • 3 Stay hydrated
  • 4 Smaller portion meals more times during the day
Now let us discuss each one mentioned here

The exercise routine
Crunches may be a way to get a six pack. But for best results remember crunches isnt enough. It must be combined with other exercises as it will help fat loss through the total body. You can add a cardio workout with crunches and you will see results.

Consider your diet
For six pack abs you have to remember how important proteins are. Do remember we are talking of healthy proteins. Start with health proteins at breakfast. Some foods that is suggested is eggs, bacon, greek yogurt and even beans.

Stay hydrated
For best way to boost your metabolic rate water is very essential. Your metabolism at optimum means best way to burn fat. Water is essential as it helps to remove the layer of fat that is formed on your abdominal muscles.

Smaller portion meals more times during the day 
You have to realize if you starve yourself. You actually help your body to store fat. It is the body's way to protect itself. Self preservation. (Same if you look at trees or plants. Leaves fall off to protect itself if for any reason there is any danger off dying. It will rather lose the leaves and live than die while trying to nourish leaves too.) If you eat smaller portions during the day you boost your metabolic rate and you will find you help your body lose fat.  

If you want a six pack then I hope this article helped you.
If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to contact us or comment below.

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