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Sunday 2 September 2018

Onions used for colds and flu. Home remedy

Onions for cold and flu? Yes it is a very powerful household item to fight colds and flu effectively. Dealing with colds and flu? It is one of the most contagious illnesses that can really spread through a household. So recently this happened in my family too. Yes it started with one. And we all had to deal with the nasty effects of flu. Accidentally I came upon this unusual effective way to help with colds and flu.

You may already know that onions just have the right ingredients to help with colds and flu. But did you know about these home remedies that really works?

Trying to stop the cold or flu from spreading?
All you have to do is cut an onion and put it in bowl or glass or container without sealing it. Now place it in the room where the person is sick. Or every room where people gather. Not only will it help the person that is fighting colds and flu. But at the same time the onions traps the flu or cold from spreading.

Runny nose? No problem
By cutting an onion and placing it in water. Leaving it for a few minutes so the water can absorb some of the juices of the cut onion. By drinking the water after taking the onion out. You help clear congestion and stop a runny nose. You may have to do this a few times.

Honey and onion turns out to be a very potent cough remedy. Without any nasty side effects. Cut onion in pieces. Place in a jar with a lid that can seal. Add two tablespoons honey in the jar. Seal the lid. Place in the fridge. It is ready to use the next day. All you have to do is take a spoonful of the mixture. After taking the onion pieces out.  

Then there is the other advice I always share. Two things. Drink water to help get rid of the mucus. And the other. If you cough uncontrollably. Take a tissue or handkerchief. Blow your nose. You may be surprised but it helps many times to stop coughing.  Till the next time of course. Repeat this. Coughing is your body's way to try and get rid of the mucus. Remember that. 

This I share from personal experience. Thus I know it works. 

Please note
Onions  that is used for home remedies should not be used for cooking the next day. Onions become highly poisonous. So please dispose of used or cut onions. Best to be safe and responsible.

If you have any advice questions comments or suggestions feel free to comment below or contact us. Please share so others can benefit from it too.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing to do with flu but still useful tip. Cut onion. Place under each foot. Put socks on. Leave on overnight. While you sleep onion helps detox body.


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