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Friday 11 September 2020

Home remedy to get rid of Gout attacks forever safely at home.

If you are one of the millions of people that is unfortunate enough to know the pains and aches associated with gout. Then you know how extremely painful this condition can be. 
The remedy I am sharing today comes from an alternative health practitioner. Yes everyone who used this recipe found relief quite fast. Do I trust it? Yes very much. As I am sharing it on here. 

But before you wanna know what to do. Realize that gout is a type of arthritis that is caused because your body has too much acid. More specific uric acid. Apart from the fact that this home remedy helps neutralize uric acid. Please bare in mind that the real culprits needs your attention too. On the plus side this mixture has other benefits too. It is mentioned later in this article.

Some of the foods and drinks can actually help your body create more acid than is necessary. End result. You experience extreme and uncomfortable pain. So what changes should be considered?   

First the no no's
(That means less of these)
Sugar. You had to guess this one would be added. As sugar turns acidic. 
White flour products. 
Too much meat. Red meat to be specific. 
Beans. This one was shared by a doctor as beans also causes too much acid. 

Now the yes please. 
(Meaning do this more often)
Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eat more vitamin C rich foods. Such as cherries
Use hot or cold compresses when you dealing with the pain caused by Gout. 
Water. Realize that water helps your body get rid of the uric acid. 
I have seen the difference that water can make with people who suffer from gout. As much as I have seen the severe pain it can cause. So please. Drink more water. 

The remedy

The ingredients
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon honey
(1/2)Half teaspoon ginger
(1/4)Quarter teaspoon cayenne pepper
(1/4) Quarter teaspoon black pepper (it helps the body absorb the turmeric)
1 Teaspoon coconut oil

Mix all these ingredients with a cup lukewarm water. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach. Which basically means drink this before you eat or drink anything in the morning.

Added benefits of this home remedy.
It cures Gout. Arthritis, High blood pressure, Can improve your cholesterol, Boost your body's immunity. It is even rumored to help against cancer. But I can not say whether it is a fact. Or not!

The person that I saw suffering from gout attacks used this and it worked for him. So from his perspective it was worth trying.

With all this said. Why not try this mixture the next time you dealing with a gout attack. You may discover that this mixture is the secret you waited for all the time. Try and see for yourself. You will be sharing it with other people that suffer with this form of arthritis.

I hope you found the answer you wanted in this article. Please share so others can benefit from this article too. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions. Feel free to comment below or contact us. 


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