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Friday 10 May 2019

Guidelines to lose weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. This will change your life.

So many keep asking what can be done to lose weight. So today I want to answer it simple and fast.
Truth is what you eat affects your weight. There is the simple rules of consider what you eat. Or what you drink. There is a few simple simple guidelines you can follow. Do you consider yourself a person that is mildly active or not active at all? Why do you want to lose weight? All this will be discussed

Why is it so important to be mindful of your weight?
Not only do you put your internal organs under more pressure. Caused by the fat layers. But you also can develop chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Heart health should be a top priority for all of us. And many more other reasons. So many who lost weight will tell you they discovered they have so much more energy. Why? Because if you think of it right now. If you are overweight. Does that not mean you lose energy that could be used on something different. If you feel tired all the time. There you have the reason if you are overweight. 

Portion control
Rules such as considering portion control. Smaller portions 4 to 5 times a day. This way your body gets all the needed nutrients that is needed. While at the same time you don't feel hungry and overeat.

Sugar and fat
Then there is a the golden rule. No to sugary drinks or foods. Did you see the amount of sugar used in soda cool drinks? Switch to the low or no sugar versions. I was stunned when I made that comparison. No to fatty foods. Fried foods is taboo. Not only is that unhealthy if you eat too much fat. But also it will affect your heart health. Now do not think it means you should cut all fat out. Your body does need fat. But small amounts and mostly the good fats. 

Don't skip meals
Do not eat only one time a day thinking you will lose weight. You will immediately put your body in survival mode to protect you. That is the way we are created. Though food will be less it will much easier be stored as fat. Do not skip breakfast under any circumstances. As it is the most important meal of the day. You just woke up and your body needs fuel to be prepared for the day ahead. 

If you want to know about portion control and what is considered the ideal amount and the given guidelines. Please follow this link

Starchy foods
Though it is good for you to eat starchy foods. You have to limit the amount of starch you add to your diet. It is one of the big culprits to weight gain. Only one portion is advisable.

Fruits and vegetables
Remember eating fruits and vegetables. It is vital for health and if you read my post about the Daniel diet. You will see the guidelines is simple. Unlimited amount of fruits and vegetables. With a few extra guidelines. Many who tried this lifestyle decided to stay with it. Sugar within its limits is good for you. But the truth is. Most products already have sugar in them. So from your own personal view limit your intake of the amount you use. I am not saying say no to a chocolate the next time you want to buy one. Limit the amount you eat. Instead of eating a whole slab of chocolate. Either share or save some for later.

If you want to read about the Daniel diet. Please follow this link

Exercise is vital for weight loss. Whether it is through walking 20 minutes daily or other forms of exercise. But not only is it important for weight loss. It is good for overall health. Whether you realize it or not. Your body needs to be active. Your heart needs it. Your blood circulation and so many other reasons too. So don't think of exercising for only weight loss. Consider it a lifestyle change. You will be much healthier and discover you have even higher amounts of energy.

I often mention it. Your body needs water. But see here is the real twist. Instead of cold water switch to warm water. Warm water helps to remove unwanted fat from the body where cold water will easily store it. But remember that drinking warm water on an empty stomach and before going to sleep makes a difference. Make this part of your daily routine. Do this every day and you will be pleasantly surprised. Add some lemon juice to the water after waking up and you just made yourself a detox drink. Or if you like me that don't like the taste add one teaspoon honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder with small amount of lemon juice. 

Last words
But most. If you want to lose weight. It is your mission. Do this for yourself. Not for anyone else. It is because you want to be healthy and feel good. Don't do it because anyone tells you that you should. It will succeed once you make it your own personal goal. Remember there will be days where you fail. But tomorrow. It is the chance to start all over again. Be honest with yourself.  Don't do this because others make you feel like less. Do it because you want to live life fully. Do it for your own health. But remember. This should become a lifestyle change. Not just to lose weight. Otherwise it will start all over again once you feel you reached your goal weight.

I hope this article helps those asking what can be done to lose weight. If you have any questions comments or suggestions. Feel free to contact us or comment below.
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