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Monday 5 September 2016

Benefits of grapefruit and why you should add it to your diet

I recently started drinking grape fruit juice. It is 100% pure juice as I am lucky that I have a tree that is at this moment fully stocked. So if you want to know about the benefits of grapefruit. Allow me to answer this question for you. It does have numerous benefits that shouldn't be ignored.

According to studies done it is very healthy. It can decrease your chances of getting diabetes heart diseases and obesity. It can even improve your complexion. Your energy levels will increase and if you want to lose weight this is a healthy alternative  to help with weight loss.

Weight loss
Despite all the hype about it being the wonderful addition in weight loss. It isnt as much about the fact that you will lose weight. It is just the boost needed though. Also it a healthy alternative to other foods. It won't give a significant boost. It is about your daily life and diet to see benefits of weight loss.

Cancer resistant
As it is high in Vitamin C, the antioxidant makes it effective in fighting the free radicals that causes cancer.  

Because it is high in water content it is effective in avoiding chances of dehydration. It is almost 91% filled with water.

As Vitamin C is very important when taking care about your skin's health and appearance. You can add this as a vital part of your diet. Vitamin C is important in the creation of Collagen. It is the most important for the health of your skin. Also Vitamin A and staying well hydrated too. And guess what. Again grapefruit is perfect as an added part of your diet again.

If you deal with digestive troubles or you're irregular. Or even worse you struggle with constipation. It prevents constipation because of it's high fibre content. Which promotes a healthy digestive system.

Healthy heart and blood pressure 
The combination of nutrients makes it a powerful fruit to consider if you need to take care of your heart. As it is filled with potassium, lycopene, choline, fibre that will mean a happy healthy heart

Potassium means your chances of a stroke is lower. Also it is vital as a part of your diet if you want to lower your blood pressure

People who should avoid grapefruit
But not everyone should add it to their diet. Yes as healthy and good as it is not everyone can consume it safely. If you have a kidney condition you should not add it to your diet. Potassium levels that is too high isnt good for kidneys that isnt working properly. It can be fatal if kidneys can not remove high potassium from the blood stream. So please best to leave it out of your diet! 
Those with gastroesophageal disease, also known as GERD. Can experience heartburn especially when eating high acidic foods. And grapefruit is one of them. But it is different for each person.

As seen it is a wonderful fruit to enjoy. It has many wonderful attributes and is great for health. And even improving your appearance. But it is about your overall diet and lifestyle that matters when you care about health. Now I will think about this when drinking my juice next time.  Knowing exactly what benefits it has.

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