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Wednesday 5 October 2016

Strengthen your immune system naturally

As Summer is approaching here. Other parts of the world is starting to feel the effects of cooler weather. Most start thinking of boosting their immune systems. So what is the most effective way to boost your immune system naturally?

For another way to help boost your immune system you can read 

Consider your eating habits.
You are what you eat. Ever heard that saying? So if you try to eat and live healthy it is of benefit to you.  Your immune system need foods that is filled with nutrients. That means consider fruits vegetables and nuts as a necessary part of your diet. Less fatty unhealthy foods and more of the good foods. Avoid sugary drinks like sodas and consider healthier versions.
Consider your stress levels
Did you know that when you are stressed it has an unhealthy effect on your immune system? Your body stays on high alert and it is wearing you down. Now, I know that we live in a stress filled world. But it is good to find an effective outlet for your tension. Such as soothing music, or a massage and meditation. All are healthy ways to get rid of that unwanted stress.
Yes I know I keep mentioning it. But did you know that it actually decreases your stress levels? While at the same time improving your immune system. Now there is a reason to consider exercising. Your sleeping patterns
We all need sleep so that our bodies can recover from the day. It is the time our bodies use to repair and maintain itself. But lack of sleep affects the healing which will affect your immune system. 8 hours is considered adequate sleep.
Your patters of socialising 
Yes it is needed to go out and gather with friends and family. It does wonders for your mood and your immune system. For many of us we socialize with our pets. In a study that was done on students it was found that when petting an animal their bodies released more antibodies.  Which improved their immune system and was able to fight infections more efficiently. 
Friendly bacteria
Consider eating friendly bacteria that is good for you. You ever saw on yogurt words like "live cultures" It turns out this is actually good for you. as it improves your immune system. 
Vitamin D
How vital do you think Vitamin D is for your immune system? If your body doesnt have enough Vitamin D your is severely effected and your immune system is at risk  More important how do you make sure you get enough Vitamin D. Ahh the sun, wonderful and such a great source of Vitamin D.  So consider spending some time in the sun without wearing sunscreen. Not long periods and when it is considered high risk. But exposure to sun helps your body soak up that wonderful Vitamin D.
Consider healthy habits.
Good clean habits like washing hands is good for you. Obviously always good to do. Good clean sanitary habits does wonders too. But don't overdo it. Turns out that over-sanitising isn't such  good habit to have. You have a wonderful immune system. Let it do what it was created to do. An ultra clean environment doesn't allow your immune system to strengthen or improve. Yes some exposure to germs is needed as it will boost your immune system while at the same time help your immune system to mature.

Another way to naturally help your immune system is 

These are a few habits will help improve your immune system. But as with everything in life. Balance is needed. 
I hope this helps you and your loved ones too. 
If you have any suggestions or comments you are free to post your comment or to contact us.
Please share and help so others can have a healthier immune system.


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