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Sunday 9 April 2017

Home remedies that works for sore throat

If you have a sore throat and you need relief fast. There is a few trusted home remedies that works. This painful condition can keep you awake the whole night. So if ever you find yourself in this situation here is a few home remedies you can consider if you have a sore throat.

Salt water
Half teaspoon salt
Glass of warm water

Add the salt to the warm water and mix. Gargle this mixture every three hours. This mixture helps to reduce swelling as well as keeping your throat clean from bacteria.

Baking soda and salt  
1 cup warm water, 
1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 
1/8 teaspoon of salt

Pour luke warm water in a glass and add a teaspoon full of this mixture to it. Gargle this mixture 3 times a day and feel the relief. If you gargle this mixture not only do you kill the bacteria in the throat, but you will prevent the growth of yeast or fungi in your throat.

Honey and ginger
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon powdered ginger
Juice only one half of squeezed lemon
Half cup hot water

Start by adding the ginger in a glass. Now add the water. Then the lemon juice and last the honey. Now use this as a gargle. Remember that honey is good for sore throat as it has antibacterial properties.
You can also take honey in your tea if that is what you would prefer.

Chamomile tea
Because chamomile tea has anti inflammatory properties, as well as being a great antioxidant you can consider it for a sore throat. It is truly one of the oldest herbs that is used for medicine, especially for sore throat. Some studies suggest that just by inhaling the steam from chamomile may help to relieve cold symptoms which usually includes a sore throat. But if you drink chamomile tea you boost your immune system as an added benefit. 

I hope this helps if you find yourself with a sore throat. If you have any advice suggestions or comments. Feel free to comment below or contact us. Please share and help others who may suffer with a sore throat.


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