If you have huge amounts of stress then maybe you were one of the millions who was affected with a stomach ulcer. But there is a few reasons for getting an ulcer. Too much alcohol, injuries or even excessive drugs are a few of the culprits for suffering from a stomach ulcer.
Stomach ulcer is associated with a burning sensation between the belly and chest. The pain that is associated with stomach ulcer can be a few minutes long or go for hours. Depending on how serious the ulcer is. Other symptoms include lack of appetite Or bloating indigestion nausea weight loss or vomiting or even heartburn.
The most common symptoms of a stomach ulcer is a burning sensation or pain in the area between your chest and belly button. The pain can last for a few minutes to several hours, depending on the severity of the ulcer. Other symptoms include poor appetite, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, belching, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. It affects people of all ages. If not taken care of and treated it can get worse. But there is natural ways to treat ulcers. The home remedies described here protects the stomach inner lining against acid. Before considering these it is best to consult your doctor or physician
Because cabbage lacks acidity ot helps to strengthen the lining of the stomach which helps the ulcer to heal because of the amino acids it produces.
Start by cutting half a cabbage and now add to carrots. Blend on blender so you can get the juice. Half cup before meals and when you go to bed. Do this each day for a weels. ALways ensure the juice is fresh to help with effective treatment.
Because bananas has certain antibacterial agents it helps to prohibit the growth of ulcer causing bacteria known as H. pylori. Also bananas helps because it stops gastric juices from going acidic. Which helps to make the lining of the stomach stronger.
You can eat ripe or unripe bananas. Three daily.
Or for the recipe that works.
You can peel 2/3 bananas. Cut into thin slices. Leave in the sun to dry. Now grind the dried bananas till it is a fine powder. Mix two tablespoons of the mixture with one tablespoon honey. Take every day 3 times a day for a week.
Honey that is raw has wonderful properties that helps treat an ulcer. Because it kills bacteria that causes ulcers.
On an empty stomach every day early morning take two tablespoons honey (raw).
Because garlic has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties it helps to protect the stomach lining. As it keeps the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterium under control.
All you need to do is take two or three garlic cloves (crushed) with a glass of water. It also helps to prevent stomach ulcers.
This one is contributed to my family. It is effective not only in healing but also protecting the stomach lining. It may sound strange. But I can say without any doubts, it is effective. Used in my family for many years as some suffer from stomach ulcers. Or even digestive troubles related to acidity troubles. Others use ot to help protect the stomach lining. Simply eat a piece of raw potato every day. Or if you prefer. You can juice it. Or add it to your juices you make with carrots and celery. But this one does work. Speaking from experience.
It is a very disturbing condition. Painful and can cause havoc on your body. This is home remedies that helps to cure it. If not treated a stomach ulcer can become very serious. Please remember that. So take it seriously.
I hope this article helps anyone that has this painful condition. Please share so others can know about it too. If you have any questions or comments. Feel free to comment below or contact us.